Perform Edits |
The total number of
employees in EAP for
service entered, 0,
has an expected
range of between 1
and 30. Please
explain this
difference. |
Explanation |
Yes |
Reason: |
Faculty who were
service had their
primary function
reassessed, causing
some to fall in
either Primarily
instruction or
Primarily research
this year. |
Perform Edits |
The total number of
employees in EAP for
part-time primarily
research entered,
30, has an expected
range of between 17
and 29. Please
explain this
difference. |
Explanation |
Yes |
Reason: |
Faculty who were
service had their
primary function
reassessed, causing
some to fall in
either Primarily
instruction or
Primarily research
this year. |
Perform Edits |
The total number of
employees in EAP for
part-time clerical
and secretarial
entered, 18, has an
expected range of
between 19 and 33.
Please explain this
difference. |
Explanation |
Yes |
Reason: |
This is a reflection
of eliminating some
part-time staff
positions in certain
areas due to budget
constraints. |
Row: 8
Col: 4 |
Perform Edits |
The average salary
for one of the
academic ranks in
contracts, 38,771,
is not within the
expected range of
between 39,025 and
58,537 based on the
prior year value.
Please fix or
explain. |
Explanation |
Yes |
Reason: |
Decrease in average
is due to a loss of
6 higher paid men
Lecturer over the
year. |
Row: 8
Col: 4 |
Perform Edits |
The average salary
for one of the
academic ranks in
contracts, 33,324,
is not within the
expected range of
between 33,397 and
50,095 based on the
prior year value.
Please fix or
explain. |
Explanation |
Yes |
Reason: |
Both are different
persons from
departments than
what was reported
last year. |
Row: 12
Col: 4 |
Perform Edits |
The average salary
for one of the
academic ranks in
contracts, 101,273,
is not within the
expected range of
between 119,856 and
179,782 based on the
prior year value.
Please fix or
explain. |
Explanation |
Yes |
Reason: |
Decrease in average
is due to a gain of
2 lower paid women
Professors over the
year. |
Row: 17
Col: 4 |
Perform Edits |
The average salary
for one of the
academic ranks in
contracts, 48,000,
is not within the
expected range of
between 30,400 and
45,600 based on the
prior year value.
Please fix or
explain. |
Explanation |
Yes |
Reason: |
This is a different
person from a
different department
than what was
reported last year. |
Row: 16
Col: 5 |
Perform Edits |
The average
expenditure for one
of the benefits in
contracts, 178, is
not within the
expected range of
between 49 and 91.
Please fix or
explain. |
Explanation |
Yes |
Reason: |
This is a result of
an increase to the
state unemployment
insurance rate. |
Row: 16
Col: 5 |
Perform Edits |
The average
expenditure for one
of the benefits in
contracts, 180, is
not within the
expected range of
between 54 and 100.
Please fix or
explain. |
Explanation |
Yes |
Reason: |
This is a result of
an increase to the
state unemployment
insurance rate. |