The Hill - February 23, 2023
Polling released Thursday found fentanyl and other opioid drugs are a top public health concern for many Americans, with Republicans ranking it as the biggest threat to U.S. public health and Democrats including it in their top three (with obesity and firearm access).
Inside Higher ED - February 23, 2023
The Education Department wants to roll back part of the so-called free inquiry rule, which required public colleges and universities to uphold the First Amendment, among other provisions. However, the department says it isn’t changing the actual requirements of the First Amendment in higher education.
Ed Surge - Feb 23, 2023
The U.S. Department of Education made its move to strengthen oversight of revenue-sharing agreements between colleges and companies that help operate online courses — in steps that could have a big impact in the ed-tech sector, as well as for the many students enrolled in online degree programs